• What the Heck is Organology?

    Hint: It's not the study of what's in your abdomen.

    In a recent exchange with Dennis Waring, he introduced us to the term organology. Sounds like it should be the study of organs (like what are inside plants and animals) or perhaps the kind you find with big pipes on them at the back of a church. But no! Dr. Waring provided us with this []

  • What’s New in Percussion Research: July, 2021

    References for percussion instrument players, makers, and inventors.

    Group music intervention using percussion instruments to reduce anxiety among elderly male veterans with Alzheimer disease Med Sci Monit. 2021; 27: e928714-1–e928714-7. Published online 2020 Dec 17. Prepublished online 2021 Feb 21. doi: 10.12659/MSM.928714 Brandmeyer, A., Timmers, R., Sadakata, M. et al. Learning expressive percussion performance under different visual feedback conditionsch 75, 107–121 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-010-0291-6 Simulation of mallet percussion instruments by a coupled modal vibroacoustic finite element model. []

  • Applying the Mind

    The utility of clearing the mind when engineering new instruments.

    The Güirophone (Figure 1) which is described starting on page xxx of Gourd Drum Engineering was the result of a “happy” accident. The little gourd was intended to be used for prototyping a snare drum and as we got near the end of the first cut, SNAP!—the side of the rim broke. It happens. We []